Sep 12, 2023Liked by Jef Otte

Can I heart this a million times? I love bespoke watercolor greeting cards and yes I want one. I request a birthday card for little Teo who's turning the big 1 at the end of October. Maybe Teo transforming into a fellow husky with Fig and Butters and they all go surfing in the Gulf. Living the dream.

My favorite burner is also front left.

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Haha this idea is excellent. Let's make it happen! Shoot me an email and we'll work out the details? otte.jef@gmail.com

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Also I can't believe Teo is already about to be 1! What in the world dude. How's Alabama treating you?

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I love this idea Jef! Your illustrations and added verbiage are so good. I predict you will be very busy. Kristina has a end of November birthday and Brandon and Olesea are having a baby in early October. What is the best way to make this request official? This is exciting.💕

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The card master is requesting cards!? I don't know how to process this. Shoot me an email, Diane! Let's figure something out.

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I love this whole thing sooooooooooooooooooo much. (But you already knew that.) I was JUST saying to my friend that we should become ladies who send greeting cards for birthdays, like so many of the women in my life (both of us struggle at remembering birthdays). Maybe Jef O is the missing link! I would DIE for one of your Guinea pig watercolors, on my birthday. Let’s correspond on gmail/yahoo/bla bla and I would like to pay for my card now to be sent to a future me when I’ve forgotten about past me (which frankly only takes about two hours for me to forget lol). Finally, “If it sounds scary and confusing, I’d like you to journal about it and then share those journal entries with Tif, who has a master’s degree in literature.” Fell off my chair laughing. Love you both, your magic makes me really happy to be sharing this time on earth! #guineapigs #dreamdelivery #yesplease

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