Kara / Rabid Fangirl here. I knew how much I missed your newsletters! "Jef’s middle-aged artistic insecurity is riveting" = truest words I've read all week. Subscriber! I am here for all of it. I also have soooo many thoughts but who cares about my process, the questions you ask always get me buzzing about my own life. That feels like such a litmus of good writing: someone else writing their truth pings your own. All to say: does this mean the guinea pigs brain surgery book is slated a bit later? FINE!!! I will wait. I also get nervous sharing works-in-progress, sometimes even completed work. I don't consider this a good thing about myself :) In case no one else has told you this week: your work is great. POSITIVITY!!! (That "Let's make it awesome" panel, lolol)

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Oh you! I am v glad to know the writing truths contained herein are pinging on you, friend, not least because it is always good to know I'm not the only one. Guinea pig brain surgery = get in the project queue haha. Sometimes I think the question of my life is how much of this to do list will I cross off before I die.

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Hopefully much of it! If Jack Kornfield says the question people ask when they’re at the end is “How well did I love?” maybe yours will be “How many of the Guinea pig goals did I get?” I hope the answer is: all of them. 🌳🌳🌳

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Haha guinea pig goals are life

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oohh!! I have a new one - Crunchy Cornflake Toffee Cookies!! Also, I didn't realize how much I missed your newsletters till I got this one :)

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Aw pshaw! Also pls send :D

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So when it comes to unfinished work I feel showing it helps me push forth to finish. I'm personally scared to try and monetize my work. Right now I don't worry about it. If I did I would probably end up painting mountains and selling to gift shops. I want to be free to create. hopefully one day find an audience.

As far as the comic goes I like it. I'm curios if this will have any super natural elements to the murders? I would suggest you check out From Hell. Its art style matches your own. The only thing I would change is the dialog fonts. Fonts can add so much to a good comic for me. I personally don't like reading cursive.

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that being said I would probably change the font on half the comics I read.

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I read From Hell this winter! And it did pretty much kick ass, so I'm glad to know the style here feels reminiscent. I think that's solid input on both artistic process and fonts - just see what happens and the audience may materialize, or maybe not. I also used to letter more carefully and then at some point I got tired of that and just started lettering bubbles with a slightly neater version my normal handwriting. I will have to mull that over.

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thematically singing my song, and that song is one the world needs to hear, and how do I get a T-shirt? Agree with Kate, these are great - keep going, please!

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If you're talking about the Karl Marx/Mean Girls t shirt I sadly can't take credit for that one, but there is a link to Etsy in the caption. If you're talking about a themed t-shirt for this comic I'm working on... maybe one day.

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So stoked to see Jef O in my inbox. I'm loving seeing your satire and sardonic humor coming alive here. I'm really hoping each murder scene is punctuated by a threadbare corporate buzzword.

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Aw thanks buddy! I can assure you there will be many corporate buzzwords.

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